A UK sales force you can trust
With direct sales & indirect distributor networks (UK and Europe) to drive market adoption, iEthos business solutions has a proven sales platform and formula to deliver sustainable yearly gains for its chosen partner within a diverse range of therapeutic areas in healthcare.
Our key focus areas are the following:
. Orthopaedics
. Infection control
. Sports medicine
. Theatre efficiency
. Medical diagnostics
We look for well matched strategic partners that we feel we can utilises our key national contacts in NHS procurement & lead clinicians across major disciplines.
As with all innovative embryonic technology, the early adoption is only ever taken up by a small group of pioneers 'key opinion leaders' in their fields to break new grounds in the hospital setting, who are then followed by their peers once positive data is demonstrated. With this in-mind iEthos feel we have a unique business platform offering to offer new startup companies or established players in driving further sales growth in the UK market
By far the best approach for a new tech device to be successfully adopted, is the demonstration of large savings to the healthcare provider by minimising visitation, consultation, trend data before a more debilitating events occurs. Each new company will need to demonstrate these savings to the healthcare provider to ensure they can generate new reimbursement codes, understand what value the market is willing to pay, who pays and what the method of payment looks like!
What we know:
You need to provide a clear revenue pathway for new or emerging technologies in both the primary and secondary healthcare setting
The role of the private healthcare provider is expanding , thus the potential for private insurers (members) to reduces their premiums and help insurers decrease their risk exposure to poorly monitored patients will be a growth area
New tech, new data! the new gold standard for getting sales traction in market are through - feasibility pilot's to test market / seed market / define reimbursement channels / define best route to market and ROI
iEthos provide the mechanisms for your company to run feasibility pilots as the initial pre-market surveillance exercise, to insulate your investors move into the UK market for the first 12/18months that would typically involve......
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